Alltech Fennoaqua has a strong position in Poland
Sales Representative Sebastian Janiak has worked for Fennoaqua since February 2022. He is the face of Alltech Fennoaqua in Poland, and good customer care and reliability are matters close to his heart. Fennoaqua’s market share in Poland has substantially risen in recent times. Customers in Poland value Fennoaqua’s feed’s high quality and the company’s reliability.

Sebastian Janiak (right) and Tomi Kantola of Fennoaqua with Sebastian Grabowski, CEO of the Polish fish farming company Atlantic (left)
“I am responsible for customer care and visits to customers, as well as sales, offers, and managing the ordering process – essentially everything Fennoaqua does in Poland. I work closely with my Finnish colleagues”, says Sebastian Janiak.
Janiak has more than 16 years of experience in the fish industry in Poland. Before joining Fennoaqua, he worked as a Director of Aquaculture at the Polish company Atlantic sp z.o.o. He has also worked for the Norwegian company Morpol S.A., the world’s largest supplier of farmed salmon.
“Everything about fish has always interested me, and I have studied fisheries, fish farming, and the fishing industry.”
Excellent growth results and reliability
Fennoaqua’s market share in Poland has grown significantly in recent months It was nearly zero just a few years ago, but today, it stands at approximately 35%.
“The growth has been amazing. In my opinion, the most important reason behind this development is the excellent quality of Fennoaqua feeds. The quality is consistent, and the growth results have been outstanding”, says Janiak.
Janiak also emphasizes Fennoaqua’s precise deliveries and efficient customer care. Customers trust both Alltech Fennoaqua and Janiak.
“Fennoaqua is also well-known for its reliability. Our customers get value for their money and professional support for their fish farming.”
“Fish farming in Poland is doing well”
In northern Poland, the main farmed fish is rainbow trout. Carp is also widely cultivated for Christmas, and sturgeon is farmed for caviar.
“In general, fish farming in Poland is doing well. We have grown year by year, and we have some space for production also for the future”, says Sebastian Janiak.