Postal and visiting address
Raisionkaari 55, FI-21200 Raisio Finland
The email addresses of Fennoaqua’s employees are in the following format:
Alltech Fennoaqua’s common, general email address:
Tomi Kantola – CEO, sales
+358 50 653 04
Thomas Ginström – sales
+358 50 032 9061
Aleksei Ivanov – logistics
+358 44 770 6928
Marika Siivola – procurement
+358 40 025 9929
Knut-Olof Lerche – product development
+358 50 591 7180
Antti Hänninen – quality
+358 44 770 6842
Juha-Matti Mäkelä – marketing and communications
+358 40 541 1973
You can ask for more information about Alltech Fennoaqua or give us feedback. Type your message in the field below and send it to us.